Awesome models Emily Willis and Emma Hix enjoy intensive FFM sex

SCENE OPENS on a close-up of a leaf, crisp and perfect. We slowly pan up to reveal a slightly disheveled looking man (Michael Vegas), his back turned to us. He holds a rabbit, which he has clearly just caught. He looks around, scanning the area. The woods are utterly silent. As he looks around, a gust of wind moves the trees. Satisfied that his scan has yielded nothing, he walks away.We follow him as he walks through the woods, finally arriving at a makeshift camp. Tarps are strung over poles in a haphazardly manner. An old fire lingers in front.As he begins to prepare the rabbit, he is suddenly roused when he senses something. Following his senses, he walks back through the woods until he comes upon a nearby cabin.Hidden in the brush, he watches as a car pulls up and two women get out, Luna (Emily Willis) and Gwen (Emma Hix). They are here for a weekend getaway that Luna booked. Gwen is nervous because she's not used to the isolation of the country.As they are about to enter the house, Gwen seems to sense something. She turns around and looks back at the woods. The trees blow in the wind, but she sees nothing.