Paige Owens is enjoying some ALONE TIME with her favorite toy. She's in a complete state of bliss as she masturbates with her vibrator, giving her pussy a good pounding. She's so close to the edge, feeling all that tension coiling up inside, when suddenly her step-dad, Brad Newman, comes in unannounced. Paige is so startled that she flings her toy in surprise, bonking Brad in the head with it!Brad is dazed as he wanders into the room, rubbing his head. When Paige, overcome with embarrassment, tries to comfort him, some of Brad's senses come back to him at the sight of his naked step-daughter.Brad is stunned, torn between scolding her for treating her body like a playground and lusting for her! As he wrestles with this, Paige catches on as the air between them shifts, becoming thick with sexual tension. The more he scolds her, the hotter they become as their secret desires for one another bubble to the surface. Paige is quick to use this to her advantage to avoid punishment, breaking down his barriers and inviting him to finish what she's started...When Paige drops to her knees and fondles him through his pants, Brad can no longer resist. She sucks his cock with gusto, eager for it to take the place of her vibrator. Fortunately, as she bends over an armchair, she doesn't have to wait much longer!