Chloe is running late to a highly anticipated photoshoot. Upon arriving, the director is visiblyupset but that doesn't seem to register with Chloe. She believes that her looks can easilysmooth over any ruffled feathers.Chloe is ready to go and starts effortlessly posing for the camera. She looks great in everythingshe puts on but complains that they didn't have her correct size.After a few wardrobe changes, Isaiah comes over to introduce himself to her. She won't givehim the time of day, assuming he is trying to hit on her.Just as the last picture is snapped off, Chloe, thinking the day is nearing its end, hears thedirector announce the next phase of the shoot: boy/girl video. This takes Chloe completely bysurprise. No one had mentioned anything about filming, and what is a boy/girl scene?The director explains that the video segment is essential, this is an adult video shoot. Chloemust decide if this is something she wants to do or back out.