Busty babe Nicole Kidd anally fucked her boyfriend from behind

Have you heard of pegging? Many are familiar with the term, many aren't. If you are one of those people that are unfamiliar, I will let you in on what exactly this trending topic is. Simply put, pegging is when the tables are turned and now the female has control of the dominance as she is the one with the cock and in charge of the fucking. Once she has you bent over and is piping you out from behind is when you realize you have no option and must submit. Lucky or unlucky for Dylan, he got to fuck first... and he fucked Nicole hard and deep with his juicy cock. Once it was Nicole's turn though, she fucked him just as hard, if not harder. If you were getting pegged, would you want to fuck first like Dylan or get pegged first and finish strong with a hard fucking for your partner? Comment below!