Gorgeous blonde babe Mabel May swallows tasty load after casting

OH BOY, AMBER ALERT!!! If you like your girls YOUNG looking, today's exploitee is super young looking Mabel May. She may look young but she is 18. Yea we looked extra hard and careful at her ID to make sure. But don't let this young and innocent look fool you. Mabel (She got her name from a fucking cartoon) May revealed to Jake that she has had 3somes, sex with girls, and has had a sugar daddy all by the "Tinder" age of 18!!! Yes our little sex kitten doesn't get enough sex she says and only has sex 1 or 2 times a month!!! WTF!!! Doesn't she know she could be getting dick or pussy every night, or morning, with those looks and body? I know. I know. All you sugar daddies are looking her up as you stroke it I bet. Well as Jake continues to probe our little solo Cam girl for more about herself we find out all sorts of fun fact. Here's one: Mabel gets ALL of her sex from Tinder. "How else do you hook up with people?", our little swipe right hottie says with a giggle. Well not in a bar for you honey. Unfortunately, a young little thing like your self tends to attract the type of guy that hangs around a high school waiting for the school bell to ring LOL. Another fun fact is little Mabel likes to be called, or have nasty "sweet nothings" whispered in her ear like, slut and whore, during sex. Just make sure its PASSIONATELY whispered. We think this is called being degraded dear. "Yea, that's what I call it"; "I want to be passionately degraded", she says coyly with a smile as her fingers swipe her hair behind her ears. Oh did I mention this little fuck toy has braces!!! How much more awesomely innocent can this girl be? And she likes being degraded!!! My cock is soooooooooo hard right now. This is the type of girl who will let you do anything to her, doesn't know how to say the word NO and will let you live out your perverted fantasies on her. A fuck doll basically. "Do you consider yourself a slut?", Jake asks. "Yea, but in a good way", she answers with a smile. Oh Jake. I hope you show this little slut what a "REAL" fucking is since she has only had loser tinder hookups. Trust me he does. And this epic shoot ends with Mabel losing one thing she didn't think she'd lose today, HER SPEWGINITY! Wait till you see it. This girl can deep throat a baby's arm and she needs to be CLONED god damn it. We don't think Mabel had any clue what to expect at today at her first sex on camera, but she said she liked it. So there you go. I'd say she walked in SHY, and then walked out SORE. We love you Mabel!!!