Impressive inked babe Kenzie screwed from behind by big dick

18 year old Kenzie claims she wants to try this "porno thing" because she's excited about the fun role playing aspects. I have a feeling it's got more to do with her making $200 every two weeks working in fast food. Either way, I'm glad this Scene Girl stopped by to audition because she's spunky, fun, and loved the anal. She wasn't so sure about that one at first but once it happens she says she's really enjoying it. In fact, she's enjoying pretty much everything I have her do (and do to her), which is either a sign of a girl who's truly ready to do porn...or just a girl who doesn't get laid much. With her attitude and openness about sex I think it's the former. She said she'll do this again - I just hope she keeps on looking for a real agent to make that happen for her.