Sensual busty Asian Nila Mason shows off her impressive BBW body

Nila Mason isn't fluent in English but her traffic-stopping looks and huge boobs (M-cups) speak louder than mere words. That's never stopped XL Girls from finding and photographing the most-amazing busty wonders around the world. A translator helped our photo team bridge the language barrier. Nila (pronounced Nee-la) said that the funniest comment a guy's ever said to her--so far--was "Your parents did a good job." "A lot of men will compliment me about my eyes. That is nice even when I can see they are not looking into my know where they are looking. I take no offense if they are charming about it. Men will be men!" "A guy needs to be romantic, considerate and persistent to get to know me. He should be a sexy guy and if he can make me laugh, I will like him even more. I won't have sex on the first date. I need time to get to know a man first." In a Bonus video, Nila tries on tight tops and, man, can she fill 'em out. Another great new discovery from all-stacked, all-plump XL Girls.