Spicy anal session with a pretty beautiful and hot gf Lilly

22 year old “Van Lifer” Lilly is our next eager candidate for the casting couch. Apparently van life isn't cheap, and she’s starting to run out of options. So what’s a quick and easy way to make some cash? You guessed it., Sucking cock for money! Lilly arrives and we can get this party started. She’s a nice gal, she does the poses she’s asked to do, and doesn’t seem to mind. Rick gets to know her a little better, finding out what makes her tick, what are her sexual proclivities. She seems somewhat experienced, not a ton of partners, no real anal in her past. She answers all our questions as she’s asked, Rick asks her if she wore the lingerie he asked for (We're asking girls to wear lingerie to the interview "for the producers". Of course she did, and she finds out that showing it off is what’s next. So she strips down and shows us what she brought, a nice sexy body suit type thing. That’s all well and good, but next we surprise her by asking her to see her body without the lingerie. She hesitantly agrees, and the next she knows we’re looking at all her holes up close and personal. Back on the couch we get to see what she looks like masturbating, and using a buttplug for the first time.