Stunning hard sex with a good-looking Asian hottie Hina

Hina is by far one of the most erotic and sensual women I've ever encountered, so you can imagine my excitement when she stopped by to show off her new 'Miko' uniform. 'Miko' translates to 'Shrine Maiden,' and it's basically the girls you see working at Shinto shrines operating the gift counter, etc. Lucky for me, Hina's particular shrine went with a fairly liberal shirt length on their official uniform. What a forward-thinking shrine!I don't have a nun fetish or anything, so I never really considered religion to be sexy. But after seeing Hina in her cute shrine maiden uniform, I couldn't help myself and approached for some play time. Oh wow how I missed her. Hina has this way about her...Her smile, touch, giggles, and even mannerisms never fail to trigger intense ASMR sensations in me. For those unfamiliar with ASMR, it's an incredibly euphoric and relaxing whole-body tingle that generally starts in the head and spreads down the spine. The experience can be so relaxing that it actually makes me go soft, so if you wonder 'Why the fuck is he soft?!' this is likely why. Believe it or not, I have actually cum while flaccid due to ASMR. The arousal is still there, but the ASMR dulls the physical erection.Back to Hina...she tied a red ribbon bow around my cock as she blew, and that made me hard as fuck. She slowly removes her panties and lets me slide in. No condom this time, so our relationship is certainly progressing...hehe. Hina's no shy teenager, so she knows how to fuck and how to please her man. Being the object of her affections was unbridled heaven.I piped an intense load of hot sperm into her blessed coochie and joked that perhaps she'll be impregnated with a half-shrine-maiden-half-caucasian baby. So the next time you're at your local Shinto shrine, I highly suggest flirting with the 'Miko.' You too may be blessed with a heavenly fucky-fuck!